Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Message From VERONICA

The Size of the Ego

"As the eternal soul seeks evolution and experience, it encounters and inhabits the linear physical body.

As in all partnerships there is a a give and take between the energy. The spiritual side often labeled as the soul has an agenda to perceive life lessons, pursue them and to make great strides to resolve them. The physical form with ideas of its own, perceives the soul but then becomes very attached to the "me" of the moment... Forgetting other lives in the identification of the self as it dwells in the current physical form.

It depends upon the evolution of the soul how much the ego plays into the plan of enrichment the soul has planned.

It is extremely difficult to separate the identification of the self when the soul is new to the idea of incarnation and the opportunity it offers.

Younger souls often completely embrace the current life as the one and only opportunity. In doing so there can be a complete abandonment of eternal sight or a concentrated one that clings to the idea of salvation from one experience.

The idea of self within physical form is indeed a three dimensional process. The size of an ego may vary but ultimately it is merely a singular reflection of your soul and the entity you came from.

The ego being finite becomes fearful without the soul's infinite perspective. Religion plays upon this perspective so that the ego may follow a path of comfortable salvation, which indeed appeals to the eternal soul.



With the Mayan calender and earth cleansing coming, along with the dark agendas goals seemingly happening, what purpose is there these days in the human physical world. I've lost so much inspiration for life. It is getting hard to keep my sanity.
Dear Debi,
When there is heightened focus in the linear the omnipotence of the eternal feels unattainable. Any calender may prohibit energy through concentrated thought based in linear.
Remember who you are and the multiple linear moments you have participated in. This seemingly turbulent time frame is actually a condensed opportunity for evolvement. Growth is not comfortable. It is a stretching of one's experience often accompanied by perceptions of misaligned agendas. Do not become distracted by the current surroundings.
Reality is created by on thought at a time. Perceive thought eternally not in a linear fashion.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mind of help go over negative thoughts and feelings

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A Message From VERONICA

The Value of a Clear Mind

"We have memory of physical and all that that entails. The dramas that are created from the most simple endeavors leaving the brain muddled from all the intense input.

It is important for the reader to understand that we comprehend quite well what it is like to incarnate. The overwhelming scenarios that leave your thoughts compressed in such a way that there seems to be no clear path to redemption available . An excess of negativity clinging to your body like a shroud, leading it seems nowhere but to worse enactments. Yes we see it. Yes we feel it for we have experienced such moments.

A clear perspective might have changed everything. Opportunity might have at least eased the burden we felt so acutely at that time.

What would we have told that linear existence from our now clear eternal view?

What indeed?

The most important thought in such a dramatization is that though it may feel you are out of control it is not necessarily so.

Your thoughts are your greatest gift and your most useful tool.

It's easy to succumb to defeat. Letting yourself become victim to negativity is often a self interpreting moment. Most are not clear enough in thought to be self interpreting therefore they give up and become a part of the whole negative picture.

If you find yourself in despair a moment or perhaps more of clarity of the mind would be prudent.

Examination & acceptance go hand in hand with the truth. So if you find yourself in a predicament, keep your thoughts in focus. It's really the only weapon you have.

Slow down.


Embrace the thoughts.

Implement the thoughts without constricting fear base moments.

Thought without fear = power.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Truth

Fantasy of course feels better in the immediate moment but usually haunts the scenario of all parties until the truth is told. The damage of such events is often irreparable causing the choice making factors to spin out of control.

When incarnate the integrity of your actions & words are key to the evolution of your soul. Thin not of immediate satisfaction but to the eternal progress of your soul. Without truth there can be no real progress. Rather a loop of fantasy that leaves your soul spinning endlessly in its pursuit of completeness.

Our counsel is that the truth may be uncomfortable. It may require braveness beyond what you think you are capable of. However, without it there is nothing but a limitless haze of drama that will unfold into the ultimate demise of the glass house you are living in.

Speak the truth.

Live the truth.

Claims of ignorance in regards to the truth are mere excuses made by individuals who are afraid.

The truth supersedes your current existence. it is the stepping stone to your ascendance.

Speak the truth.

Live the truth.

It's the best tool you have to work with to become who you really are.

Be not afraid.

The truth is your friend."


Friday, May 8, 2009

"We have spoken to many who simply cannot recall what their purpose was for entering into their current life. They feel a sense of floundering that leaves them wondering why they incarnated at all... the goals attached to this seemingly long abandoned by what they perceive as themselves... dramas of their life often clouding any eternal sense of self while the ticking of time pulsates in their heads.

Some see no real conclusion to what they perceive as a useless and often painful existence... this due to the life path that is out of line with what their eternal self had planned in the beginning.

We counsel a slowing of the fast paced linear reality that most of you find yourselves in. A lack of focus upon the clock is the first step to understanding the larger portion of yourself that does not perceive time.

Physical existence is not a race to the finish. It is a participation in a reality that was meant to enlighten and fulfill your higher entity that wishes to evolve.

Slow down.

Take yourself when you are able to a quiet place. Your thoughts cannot create your reality with all the chaos.

Slow down.

Take a moment to ponder yourself without time increments and deadlines.

In this place of quiet the whispers of your soul will have opportunity to speak.

This is the first of many steps that we will speak of on your way to rediscovering yourself.

Slow down."

Monday, May 4, 2009

About Jesus's Birth explained the proper way!!!

Peace in the divine mother.
May you choose to abide in that peace always and accept the perfect love of the divine mother, which will consume all your fears, the fears of being the Living Christ in embodiment, the fears of being all that you are in God and more.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, I seal you in my love and light. It is done, it is finished, it is sealed in matter, for the mouth of the divine mother has spoken it. Amen.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Joy while accepting others who like to control

And my beloved, the beauty of a spiritual community like this is that when you come together, you can help each other see things that you could not see in yourself. And I tell you again, the more unconditional acceptance you can have in your community, the more you can help each other and the faster you can grow both individually and collectively. For truly, we have no greater desire than to see a spiritual movement, a spiritual community that will manifest what very few communities have manifested throughout the ages, namely an environment where everyone is unconditionally accepted for who they are.

This does not mean that this is a community where anything goes and where the ego and the people who are caught in a serpentine consciousness of wanting control and power can control the community. But it means an environment where everyone can feel accepted.

For I must tell you that if you can create such an environment, you have the greatest protection possible against those who seek to destroy or control. For they will not be able to handle an environment where they are accepted. They want you to reject them, my beloved, because it confirms their essential illusion that they are separated from you and separated from God. And this is the illusion they need in order to maintain their need to feel that they are better than others. For they have not yet tired of playing the dualistic game that Jesus so eloquently spoke about at the last conference.

So my beloved, I leave you with the unconditional acceptance of a Mother’s heart.