Relationships and Karmic Markers
Posted by Jen in Dating & Relationships at 10:54 PM, September 9, 2009
AttractBy Psychic Phillip
I have often considered the question,"What precisely is attraction between two people?" At times I have jokingly expressed to callers that it is nothing but bad karma. In truth, I am convinced that attraction IS karmic necessity about to be fulfilled.
Astrologically, two natal charts may be compared to reveal precisely how the individuals will interact with each other. Major aspects between their charts will show strengths and stresses within the connection. Though the karmic push may be so strong for two people to connect that refusal to manifest the relationship may be difficult, seemingly impossible, by free will the connection can be refused.
On a cosmic scale, it really makes no difference, since a new opportunity will present itself, with another individual, bringing with it a new set of karmic imperatives. I have recognized, that when I leave a relationship and enter into a new one, I do often bring with me the same karmic lessons. This has taught me over time that though the face may change, the "SONG" remains the same. In other words, it does not matter where you go, or run, because there you are. This is perhaps where the adage pertains,"Jumping from the frying pan into the fire."
There is much talk today about soulmates and twin-flames. Now from an astrological perspective, all I see is karma between two individuals. I often witness close similarities between two people. I once had a partner who was born two days before me, at approximately the same time of the day. This rendered her natal chart nearly identical to mine, with the exception of her Moon placement. We were so much alike, we did not even have to speak. We moved around each other with a quiet flow, seemed to have the same interests and astrology was one of them. I actually view this relationship as a twin-flame connection. One might ask, "So why didn't it work?" The only thing that makes sense to me is that I was not ready to be happy. I still had way too much karma in other areas of my personality to experience. I needed to grow.
The concept of soulmates is entirely different. When people ask,"Is this my soulmate?" what they really want to know is if this other person will make them happy for the rest of their life. I once looked at a relationship where all of their planetary connections were dramatically stressful. Only two configurations were positive. I actually told the woman that I had never seen such a pattern, and I was surprised that the relationship was working. She told me that it was not easy at first, but they had worked through all of the difficulties quickly. In other words, they DID THE WORK. I see this rarely, but I do see this.
Most astrologers will agree that the stress that accompanies a karmic relationship is where the growth occurs for the individuals-this is where the action is. I have discussed the concept of soulmates with my mentors, gifted souls. Some of them are on California Psychics. We are in full agreement that the person you are with at any given time IS your soulmate. There are no coincidences. You are meant to be with that person at this time. It is always about choices, growth-deeply karmic.
Ultimately, it all comes down to "It's what you do with what you got." Two people can CHOOSE to support each other in growth and work through the karmic stresses with strength, courage and love. Sooner or later intention and commitment to growth cut through all of the karmic issues in a relationship. Then you can take the relationship chart and throw it right into the waste basket. In this respect the relationship chart is akin to "Things to do today." Once completed the couple is now free to create whatever they wish. Safety issues no longer rule the relationship dynamic. Love rules!