"My fruit is better than gold, yes, than
fine gold, And my revenue than choice
silver" Prov 8:19
I've been to the grocery store and seen some fruit
that is like Solomon's in today's verse! It sure
seems like the cost of living keeps rising -- at
least in the produce isle.
But that is not the fruit that Solomon is talking
about. He is talking about the same thing Paul was
writing about in Galatians 5, "But the fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Against such there is no law." (Gal 5:22-23 NKJV)
These are the fruits that have a value far greater
than gold for several reasons.
1) Each fruit can only be raised at great expense.
Ever found a "love" tree from which you could pick
a bit of love and put it in your basket? Of course
not. Love is expensive. It costs the human spirit
a great deal to acquire. It can only be purchased
by giving it away. That's right, give love away and
you are sure to gain more than you give. The same
is true of joy, peace, all of the fruits. They are
acquired at great cost to the collector.
2) Each fruit has value that cannot be counted in
gold. What price would you put on a pound of love,
or a quart of peace? The giver of love is relinquishing
something that has cost him blood, sweat, and tears.
The person who receives it receives a great honor as
well. Love is not thrown to the wind to be sown on
the roadside. It is planted with love, suffering, and
pain. It is literally the very life of the giver. And
peace comes right with love -- especially the love that
comes from the Father, for that love is the most costly
of all.
3) Each fruit is in such demand that the cost is high.
Not that there is a shortage of supply! No, there is
sufficient for everyone to get all he or she wants and
needs. The problem is that few people want to give up
what they have. Many are there who are "fruit hoarders"!
They get a little love, peace goodness, gentleness, and
it's like they put it in a fruit jar with a tight lid.
Then, when the jar is full, they clamp down the lid and
bury the jar and all in some dark, dank hole. The only
problem is that when the gifts are treated so, they rot
away. When the hoarder returns to his cache, he finds
nothing there but an empty jar.
Indeed, my fruits, your fruits, our fruits are much
more valuable than gold. And the income from them
is much more valuable than silver! Hallelujah, Amen and Amen
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Bible Stumpers Trivia:
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What judge had 70 sons?
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Something To Ponder:
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Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.
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By: Joseph J. Mazzella
I have been doing my best to live the good life lately.
I don't mean the television version with its giant mansions,
fancy cars, and fat bank accounts either. By the good life
I mean the "good" life. For me it is the only type of life
worth living.
I even have a list of good suggestions that have helped
me along the way. Here are just a few of them. Never pass
up an opportunity to hug your kids, pet your dogs, or hold
your cats. Take the time to watch the sunrise, the sunset,
and to notice the moon smiling down on you. Pray. Hold all
the hands you can, pat all the backs you can, and give all
the compliments you can. Always say "Please and thank you."
Pray some more. If a kind word comes to your lips speak it,
if a kind thought comes to your mind think it, and if a kind
deed comes to your heart do it. Take your time. Open doors
for others, let cars pull out in front of yours, and let
people ahead of you in line. Pray even more. Always listen
to that sweet, gentle voice inside of you telling you to
do something nice to help another. That is God guiding you.
Listen before you speak, forgive before you hate, and help
before you hurt. Give this world all of your talents, your
laughter, your energy, your joy, and your light. Be an
obedient child, a caring spouse, a devoted parent, a
doting grandparent, a cherished friend, a giving neighbor,
and a good Samaritan every chance you get.
Most of all, though, always remember that it is Love
that makes a good life "good". In the book "In search
of the Beyond," Carlo Correto gave us these words of
wisdom. "Let us keep this truth before us. You say you
have no faith? Love-and faith will come. You say you
are sad? Love-and joy will come. You say you are alone?
Love-and you will break out of your solitude. You say
you are in Hell? Love-and you will find yourself in
Heaven. Heaven is love." May you always live the "good"
life then full of Heavenly love and oneness with God.