Sunday, May 3, 2009

Joy while accepting others who like to control

And my beloved, the beauty of a spiritual community like this is that when you come together, you can help each other see things that you could not see in yourself. And I tell you again, the more unconditional acceptance you can have in your community, the more you can help each other and the faster you can grow both individually and collectively. For truly, we have no greater desire than to see a spiritual movement, a spiritual community that will manifest what very few communities have manifested throughout the ages, namely an environment where everyone is unconditionally accepted for who they are.

This does not mean that this is a community where anything goes and where the ego and the people who are caught in a serpentine consciousness of wanting control and power can control the community. But it means an environment where everyone can feel accepted.

For I must tell you that if you can create such an environment, you have the greatest protection possible against those who seek to destroy or control. For they will not be able to handle an environment where they are accepted. They want you to reject them, my beloved, because it confirms their essential illusion that they are separated from you and separated from God. And this is the illusion they need in order to maintain their need to feel that they are better than others. For they have not yet tired of playing the dualistic game that Jesus so eloquently spoke about at the last conference.

So my beloved, I leave you with the unconditional acceptance of a Mother’s heart.

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