Monday, October 12, 2009

Relationships that are meant to be

Relationships and Karmic Markers

Posted by Jen in Dating & Relationships at 10:54 PM, September 9, 2009

AttractBy Psychic Phillip

I have often considered the question,"What precisely is attraction between two people?" At times I have jokingly expressed to callers that it is nothing but bad karma. In truth, I am convinced that attraction IS karmic necessity about to be fulfilled.

Astrologically, two natal charts may be compared to reveal precisely how the individuals will interact with each other. Major aspects between their charts will show strengths and stresses within the connection. Though the karmic push may be so strong for two people to connect that refusal to manifest the relationship may be difficult, seemingly impossible, by free will the connection can be refused.

On a cosmic scale, it really makes no difference, since a new opportunity will present itself, with another individual, bringing with it a new set of karmic imperatives. I have recognized, that when I leave a relationship and enter into a new one, I do often bring with me the same karmic lessons. This has taught me over time that though the face may change, the "SONG" remains the same. In other words, it does not matter where you go, or run, because there you are. This is perhaps where the adage pertains,"Jumping from the frying pan into the fire."

There is much talk today about soulmates and twin-flames. Now from an astrological perspective, all I see is karma between two individuals. I often witness close similarities between two people. I once had a partner who was born two days before me, at approximately the same time of the day. This rendered her natal chart nearly identical to mine, with the exception of her Moon placement. We were so much alike, we did not even have to speak. We moved around each other with a quiet flow, seemed to have the same interests and astrology was one of them. I actually view this relationship as a twin-flame connection. One might ask, "So why didn't it work?" The only thing that makes sense to me is that I was not ready to be happy. I still had way too much karma in other areas of my personality to experience. I needed to grow.

The concept of soulmates is entirely different. When people ask,"Is this my soulmate?" what they really want to know is if this other person will make them happy for the rest of their life. I once looked at a relationship where all of their planetary connections were dramatically stressful. Only two configurations were positive. I actually told the woman that I had never seen such a pattern, and I was surprised that the relationship was working. She told me that it was not easy at first, but they had worked through all of the difficulties quickly. In other words, they DID THE WORK. I see this rarely, but I do see this.

Most astrologers will agree that the stress that accompanies a karmic relationship is where the growth occurs for the individuals-this is where the action is. I have discussed the concept of soulmates with my mentors, gifted souls. Some of them are on California Psychics. We are in full agreement that the person you are with at any given time IS your soulmate. There are no coincidences. You are meant to be with that person at this time. It is always about choices, growth-deeply karmic.

Ultimately, it all comes down to "It's what you do with what you got." Two people can CHOOSE to support each other in growth and work through the karmic stresses with strength, courage and love. Sooner or later intention and commitment to growth cut through all of the karmic issues in a relationship. Then you can take the relationship chart and throw it right into the waste basket. In this respect the relationship chart is akin to "Things to do today." Once completed the couple is now free to create whatever they wish. Safety issues no longer rule the relationship dynamic. Love rules!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Peace and Love constantly


Comes from practicing for no other reason than for the practice – with no hope, need, want or expectation – until the awareness happens spontaneously and becomes a real part of who you are - in your every expression.

Only then can you touch another without leaving your imprint.
Only then can another touch you
without you receiving an imprint from them.
Only then is there no condition on your being.
Only then can you share the Love you are.

When the mind holds no gravity, there is no weight upon your feet.
Then, wherever you walk, you leave no footprints.
You have become One with Heaven and Earth.

You are the One you have been waiting for
You are the one who holds you
and You do so,
in the palms of Thy own hand

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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The truth of overcoming our sinful ways and Heavenly reward

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches" (Rev 3:12-13 KJV).

Ask yourself the question: What is this passage of scripture saying to us? What is meant by the words: "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out". Setting aside for a moment the fact that if Yeshua was truly God, he would never call God, his God -- i.e., "I make a pillar in the temple of my God" -- most Christian Bible commentaries will remark on the statement with respect to the "pillar" being built in honor of the one who overcomes, but no commentary that I have ever seen has yet to offer a suitable explanation of the words "and he shall go no more out". Why? It is important that we understand why these words are totally ignored by modern-day Christian doctrine? The answer is because this is one of the many verses in scripture that is very difficult to understand from our present-day doctrinal perspective.

This same verse in the New American Standard Bible reads: "and he will not go out from it anymore" -- and in the New International Version it reads: "Never again will he leave it". The problem which these words pose to the modern Christian is the fact that there can only be one interpretation to these words -- and because of the implications of this very clear interpretation, biblical commentaries simply refuse to speculate on the meaning. What the words of Yeshua clearly demonstrate to us beyond any doubt is that there is a coming in and going out of the Kingdom of God, that will continue until one has fulfilled the requirement to "…overcometh".

In the first place we must recognized that in order to return and go out again, we would have had to exist preceding either going in and going back out. This concept, which is very clearly portrayed throughout the Bible in the form of predestination and Divine Providence, creates a problem for the modern church which continues to embrace the thinking of the Emperor Justinian and Darwin. Why? Because it embraces the idea which is known as the pre-existence of the soul -- a reality that represents a great void in our understanding today, and yet is fundamental to even beginning to get a right sense of what is being said in this biblical statement.

From the perspective of the beliefs of the first century Christians, this biblically based teaching pertains to the pre-existent soul of man. In recognition of this fact -- i.e., that Yeshua was speaking of the pre-existent soul -- the biblical text does not say how many times the soul of man has entered the kingdom; and neither does it say how many times the soul of man has gone out. The words "go no more out -- go out… anymore -- never again… leave it", demonstrates that upon entering the Kingdom it is not our first time that we have been there. Further, it is also clear that if the believer has not overcome, and fulfilled the requirements defined by the term "…overcometh", in order to stay and have a pillar built in their honor, they will again go back out. The Bible commentaries that we use today are silent on this teaching because we are unable to even conceive of the question: Go out where? Perhaps this can best be answered by quoting the man who many early Christians believed to be the greatest theologian and scholar in the history of the church -- the third century Church Father Origen, who wrote: "Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life" (Origen, De Principiis).

These words of the Christian Church Father Origen are very much an affirmation with respect to the belief in reincarnation in it purest and most biblical form. Yeshua quite plainly taught that: "You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt 5:48 RSV). Today, a great portion of Christian doctrine that we have inherited from the Church of Constantine -- carnal doctrines that cloud our understanding of Yeshua's true teachings -- comes in the form of dogma attempting to explain away why Yeshua did not really mean what he said, and attempts to prove why man can never be perfect. Yet, the continual theme in the Epistles of Paul is that only those who have attained the necessary degree of spiritual perfection are able to move beyond the milk of the Gospel, and truly understand the Sacred Secrets of God.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dreams and Insights by Lisa

Dreams and Journeys of the Soul...

Hello my name is Lisa, most of you know me by the nickname Jettin , at the age of 13, I began having experiences via my dreams . Back then, I started to realize what I was seeing and hearing through my dream-state, were premonitions of what was coming in the future. Sometimes there was symbolism used and sometimes visuals. As I am writing about it, my experience is still carrying through to today.

Through my journey I have been told thru dreams about death in my family, when I have a dream which involves death, I usually am a bride in a church with no groom and the only people with me are those immediately involved, I also will see a spray of roses dressed over a coffin. There was another experience I had at the age 18, it started 6 months before a horrific accident I was in, I saw car lights heading towards me in darkness, then everything stopped! I was hit by a car by a drunk driver later that year and almost killed.

The rule I have learned through all of this is anything I dream of 3 times or more, I pay close attention to, Spirit is trying to get a message across to me and these are premonitions.

The other facets of dreams I have come to experience is that every night our Soul leaves our physical body to be one with our higher self and our Creator, this occurs with everyone, and there are key signs to these nighttime occurrences. The first thing I have found is a real help to figuring out what I am being shown is to keep a dream journal, this way you can keep a record of what you have dreamt and see if there are any links with future dreams. I found that dreams are pieces to an intricate puzzle and all lead to signs, etc. Many times our Angels and Guides come through these nighttime journeys as messengers bringing us useful and helpful tips to use in our daily life.

The real key to a good solid dream is to go to sleep thanking God and releasing all negativity of the day etc, this way you are clearing your soul and bringing yourself closer to the higher vibrations, always say a prayer of protection also, because as the soul takes its journey you want to make sure your signs and messages are clear and protected and coming from the right source. If you do not understand your dream upon waking, the next night as you go to sleep ask for clarity, sometimes it will amaze you the next scene you see. Remember the more we open our mind up to this process the more we will dream and be able to process what we receive.

If you wake up and have trouble remembering what you dreamt but know you did , not to worry here, the information and sequence of your nighttime journey will come to you at a later time, maybe hours even days and weeks later. If you have trouble feeling tired waking up after a dream also not to worry, this is a process of not fully coming back into your physical body, usually when this happens your night time work was intense and as days go forward your dreams may have some real power to them.

These dreams we experience hold more than we could ever think possible, our future, our past, our present, like the time I dreamt repeatedly about my childhood home, after seeing it night after night for weeks I found there were issues I needed to release regarding that time of my life.

We all have the power to tap into this phenomenon, vivid dreams that really stay in our minds are really the ones that have a strong message. If we see numbers or hear messages its time to heed what they are about, as an avid dreamer it isn't always easy to find the message, again this points to keeping a journal and writing down all you can remember how you felt not only through the dream but upon waking and always give thanks to God for bringing the dream even if you think it is trivial.

Back to the premonitions through dreams, this is basic, for most, you will know they are just that, I have a certain dream scene for certain areas of my life when I know things will come to pass, sometimes knowing isn't easy but I think and have always thought its God's way of easing me through especially the bad things I pick up on.

I hope to add more of my experiences in the future on this subject , and a helpful tip that I just started using through a connection I found, if there is something specific you would like an answer to write this on paper and place it under your pillow, do not be discouraged if no results occur the first few nights, remember we have to be open to receive while our soul is journeying through the night and always remember to clear any negative thoughts, our dreams are the gateway to connecting with our soul and our higher self and by assuring we have the best intent we are sure to have productive, helpful, insightful dreams ... Happy Journey Of The Soul To You

If you would like help, Please post your dreams in the Dreams section of the forum for an interpretation.

Love and Blessings,


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Basic Teachings of Jesus Reality

Yeshua/Jesus did not come to promote belief in the Messiah/Christ - neither did he come to promote the worship of Messiah/Christ - he came to teach the people TheWay to become Messiah/Christ - to teach Essene/Ebionite/Nazirene disciples of TheWay the means to acquire the Sacred Spiritual Knowledge necessary to enter the Kingdom within (Lk 17:20-21) -- and fulfill the vision of a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation of Anointed (Messiah/Christ) Disciples who are set aside for the service of the Most High God that Yeshua taught was the Father of all of mankind. This is not a forum to dispute opinion and manmade doctrine. It is a forum to discuss walking in the Light of TheWay, and to learn and discuss the essential lifestyle and mindset necessary to enter the Kingdom within, receive the Sacred Manna, and Learn directly from the One Teacher of Truth and Light. Your soul-self has existed since the dawn of time - and is the true being that you are. The Mysteries of God that Yeshua could only teach to his disciples in private, is the reality of the threefold self in conjuction with the necessary mindset and lifestyle to bring about the next stage of soul-birth necessary to enter the Inner Kingdom. The objective of life is to prove the Truth within one's self, and not to believe and have blind faith in the doctrines of men that are incapable of comprehending the higher reality of our soul and spiritual natures, and the Mysteries of God that can only be comprehended by those who turn the Key of Knowledge within self, and transform the lower nature to make one's self the Living Temple of the Most High.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Inner Flame

"At the inception of the soul to the physical body a plan of action is instilled in the psyche of the individual. This plan evolves slowly within until it becomes a flame of power within the individual.

This flame is representative of the intent of the individual's soul. If it is not addressed or implemented it will smolder in the consciousness of the individual as something incomplete in their hearts.

The experience in physical can offer much distraction from this flame. Physical survival leads the progression followed closely by dramas and issues. Linear while being an intense focus often leaves the soul a sense of incompleteness if the inner flame is not addressed. The distractions of the linear may offer some respite from the flame but ultimately the intensity will come to the forefront as "I am missing something".

This sense of lack can derail the intent of the soul as it searches for linear solutions when the real issue is the satisfaction of the soul."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it
In times of stress and upset the spirit seeks the peace
and finds a rest that is the best for the peace with in the soul
The days are busy with many a thought and action to interest the mind but when it's time to rest and sleep it's time to seek the inner self and never be alone or find that by
putting faith in the inner hope that comes to us when there is love and forgiveness in the heart
when you try to please the ego and forget the love inside and when you forget others and just let your mind reside in thoughts and feeling that relate to wants and hopes, you find there is a sense of lacking and you need to change your scope: to realize that we are in this life together and there are others that don't know peace. so a little prayer and kindness and thoughts of helping those who are trying hard to get that peace in this world or sadness and despair

if you know the way to help those who really don't know where to turn because every thing they try seems worthless and makes them feel alone then take more care to do what is right and do not doubt so the life will feel worth while with a love and joy and purpose that in your heart resides.

We have an inner spirit that we need to seek. The Holy Spirit which gives us love and direction pure and true so when we wonder off on some sad and lonely thought with life's turmoil and stress of living, we need to take the time to realize the reason why we feel this way. It is because we have been neglecting the reason why we are here and so we need to have some quiet time to seek within our soul. To take some time to put away the thoughts and worries that come to us when we are trying hard to feel good about our selves. There is joy and peace and love with in each soul alive so put your faith in God and put away the strife so you will know your joy and purpose for each day and never let your self feel there is no other way of of your sadness and stress within your heart but a love and joy beyond compare that you will find is there.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Betterment of tomorrow through Christ

I admonish you to hold the vision that the unstoppable winds of the Holy Spirit, given in my thoughtform, will indeed blow away all plans to have the current financial crisis lead to a war, as you saw with the Depression in the 1930s and in other cases where financial turmoil has led to war, as a way to force nations to spend and thereby get the economy, so to speak, back on track, although it is the wrong track of the artificial ups and downs of the power elite.

Hold the vision that the Holy Spirit is strong enough to blow away their plans, their matrices, their downward spirals, their impure images that they are projecting into the collective consciousness through their devices that are like machines, like computers that play the same message over and over again, like the broken record that seeks to mesmerize and program people’s subconscious to accept that this is somehow an inevitable reality.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Message From VERONICA

The Size of the Ego

"As the eternal soul seeks evolution and experience, it encounters and inhabits the linear physical body.

As in all partnerships there is a a give and take between the energy. The spiritual side often labeled as the soul has an agenda to perceive life lessons, pursue them and to make great strides to resolve them. The physical form with ideas of its own, perceives the soul but then becomes very attached to the "me" of the moment... Forgetting other lives in the identification of the self as it dwells in the current physical form.

It depends upon the evolution of the soul how much the ego plays into the plan of enrichment the soul has planned.

It is extremely difficult to separate the identification of the self when the soul is new to the idea of incarnation and the opportunity it offers.

Younger souls often completely embrace the current life as the one and only opportunity. In doing so there can be a complete abandonment of eternal sight or a concentrated one that clings to the idea of salvation from one experience.

The idea of self within physical form is indeed a three dimensional process. The size of an ego may vary but ultimately it is merely a singular reflection of your soul and the entity you came from.

The ego being finite becomes fearful without the soul's infinite perspective. Religion plays upon this perspective so that the ego may follow a path of comfortable salvation, which indeed appeals to the eternal soul.



With the Mayan calender and earth cleansing coming, along with the dark agendas goals seemingly happening, what purpose is there these days in the human physical world. I've lost so much inspiration for life. It is getting hard to keep my sanity.
Dear Debi,
When there is heightened focus in the linear the omnipotence of the eternal feels unattainable. Any calender may prohibit energy through concentrated thought based in linear.
Remember who you are and the multiple linear moments you have participated in. This seemingly turbulent time frame is actually a condensed opportunity for evolvement. Growth is not comfortable. It is a stretching of one's experience often accompanied by perceptions of misaligned agendas. Do not become distracted by the current surroundings.
Reality is created by on thought at a time. Perceive thought eternally not in a linear fashion.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mind of help go over negative thoughts and feelings

(- You can view this newsletter as a web page here. )

A Message From VERONICA

The Value of a Clear Mind

"We have memory of physical and all that that entails. The dramas that are created from the most simple endeavors leaving the brain muddled from all the intense input.

It is important for the reader to understand that we comprehend quite well what it is like to incarnate. The overwhelming scenarios that leave your thoughts compressed in such a way that there seems to be no clear path to redemption available . An excess of negativity clinging to your body like a shroud, leading it seems nowhere but to worse enactments. Yes we see it. Yes we feel it for we have experienced such moments.

A clear perspective might have changed everything. Opportunity might have at least eased the burden we felt so acutely at that time.

What would we have told that linear existence from our now clear eternal view?

What indeed?

The most important thought in such a dramatization is that though it may feel you are out of control it is not necessarily so.

Your thoughts are your greatest gift and your most useful tool.

It's easy to succumb to defeat. Letting yourself become victim to negativity is often a self interpreting moment. Most are not clear enough in thought to be self interpreting therefore they give up and become a part of the whole negative picture.

If you find yourself in despair a moment or perhaps more of clarity of the mind would be prudent.

Examination & acceptance go hand in hand with the truth. So if you find yourself in a predicament, keep your thoughts in focus. It's really the only weapon you have.

Slow down.


Embrace the thoughts.

Implement the thoughts without constricting fear base moments.

Thought without fear = power.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Truth

Fantasy of course feels better in the immediate moment but usually haunts the scenario of all parties until the truth is told. The damage of such events is often irreparable causing the choice making factors to spin out of control.

When incarnate the integrity of your actions & words are key to the evolution of your soul. Thin not of immediate satisfaction but to the eternal progress of your soul. Without truth there can be no real progress. Rather a loop of fantasy that leaves your soul spinning endlessly in its pursuit of completeness.

Our counsel is that the truth may be uncomfortable. It may require braveness beyond what you think you are capable of. However, without it there is nothing but a limitless haze of drama that will unfold into the ultimate demise of the glass house you are living in.

Speak the truth.

Live the truth.

Claims of ignorance in regards to the truth are mere excuses made by individuals who are afraid.

The truth supersedes your current existence. it is the stepping stone to your ascendance.

Speak the truth.

Live the truth.

It's the best tool you have to work with to become who you really are.

Be not afraid.

The truth is your friend."


Friday, May 8, 2009

"We have spoken to many who simply cannot recall what their purpose was for entering into their current life. They feel a sense of floundering that leaves them wondering why they incarnated at all... the goals attached to this seemingly long abandoned by what they perceive as themselves... dramas of their life often clouding any eternal sense of self while the ticking of time pulsates in their heads.

Some see no real conclusion to what they perceive as a useless and often painful existence... this due to the life path that is out of line with what their eternal self had planned in the beginning.

We counsel a slowing of the fast paced linear reality that most of you find yourselves in. A lack of focus upon the clock is the first step to understanding the larger portion of yourself that does not perceive time.

Physical existence is not a race to the finish. It is a participation in a reality that was meant to enlighten and fulfill your higher entity that wishes to evolve.

Slow down.

Take yourself when you are able to a quiet place. Your thoughts cannot create your reality with all the chaos.

Slow down.

Take a moment to ponder yourself without time increments and deadlines.

In this place of quiet the whispers of your soul will have opportunity to speak.

This is the first of many steps that we will speak of on your way to rediscovering yourself.

Slow down."

Monday, May 4, 2009

About Jesus's Birth explained the proper way!!!

Peace in the divine mother.
May you choose to abide in that peace always and accept the perfect love of the divine mother, which will consume all your fears, the fears of being the Living Christ in embodiment, the fears of being all that you are in God and more.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Miracle Mother, I seal you in my love and light. It is done, it is finished, it is sealed in matter, for the mouth of the divine mother has spoken it. Amen.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Joy while accepting others who like to control

And my beloved, the beauty of a spiritual community like this is that when you come together, you can help each other see things that you could not see in yourself. And I tell you again, the more unconditional acceptance you can have in your community, the more you can help each other and the faster you can grow both individually and collectively. For truly, we have no greater desire than to see a spiritual movement, a spiritual community that will manifest what very few communities have manifested throughout the ages, namely an environment where everyone is unconditionally accepted for who they are.

This does not mean that this is a community where anything goes and where the ego and the people who are caught in a serpentine consciousness of wanting control and power can control the community. But it means an environment where everyone can feel accepted.

For I must tell you that if you can create such an environment, you have the greatest protection possible against those who seek to destroy or control. For they will not be able to handle an environment where they are accepted. They want you to reject them, my beloved, because it confirms their essential illusion that they are separated from you and separated from God. And this is the illusion they need in order to maintain their need to feel that they are better than others. For they have not yet tired of playing the dualistic game that Jesus so eloquently spoke about at the last conference.

So my beloved, I leave you with the unconditional acceptance of a Mother’s heart.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Are you Pure in Heart

Undoubtedly, as long as we do not have a good relationship with ourselves we will not have good relationships with others, and the result will be all types of conflict.

It is essential to become much more aware of ourselves through direct self-observation.

A general Gnostic rule in the Gnostic Esoteric Work is that when we do have a point of contention with another person, we can be sure that this is the very thing against which we must work on within ourselves.

Whatever it is that we criticize so much in others is something which lies on the dark side of ourselves, and which we neither know nor want to recognize.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

From your past lifetime in Atlantis and therefore being virtually 100% Atlantean, many contradictory emotions and actions are likely to part of your experience psychologically as well as physically. For instance, there will be periods when everything will apparently flow very harmoniously yet other times when absolutely nothing goes right. Being highly emotional and self-willed, you may often allow your sentiments to run off with your better judgments. Hence the necessity -- like a strong electrical circuit -- of being well grounded, especially in an ideal centered not on what others can do for you but what you can do for them.

"Lord, I am your servant. Let me live a life so balanced that I become a channel through which God's love in the Christ can be manifested to others." This affirmation, eva , along with consistent application of the one ideal of always being patient will be invaluable in helping you resolve life's confusions. For, being to a large extent a Uranian the urges you are likely to feel frequently arise from psychic experiences, and at times bring confusion. Yet you should develop your psi abilities while avoiding the spiritualistic, occultist and the more mediumlike activities.

In fact, being so strongly influenced by your past life in Atlantis and your experience as a soul in the Uranus dimension between lives, when you are good you are VERY good, and when bad, VERY bad! This is one way you manifest the extremism so characteristic of Atlanteans and Uranians (and if either of them, one is usually both).

Your rebellious spirit, especially when others try to dominate you, as well as your relationship challenges are probably rooted in past lives. There, say in the court of the French kings or Roman emperors like Nero, eva , you may have found few answers in religious trends of the day. Nor did you go along with those who happened to be in authority.

In the present, do act constructively on your need to be always guided by a higher will. Following THE higher will of God in the Christ is a blessing that can only make for a glorious opportunity to be a unique channel of service this lifetime. Perhaps in conjunction with the above affirmation also helpful as meditation and spiritual centering aids are yoga and dance. They are likely to be good outlets for your high sensitivities.

Section 1 | 2

Chapter 1: The Sun

Your Sun is in Leo (Tropical zodiac).

Leo symbolizes the consciousness wherein there is strength, creativity and virility, as well as a certain headstrong or willful nature in how you apply yourself in relationship with others. Find out more with your full-length reading...

For instance, eva , reading biographical or historical novels about European royalty, daydreaming about the courts of Kings and Queens of modern Europe or ancient times and other grandeurs of the past may bring to your conscious mind memories of previous incarnations when you were at the forefront of things. Hence to this very day there probably remains within you considerable inner strength along with a strong feeling for behind-the-scenes intrigues as well as a powerful sense of individualism. These qualities are probably connected with your past life experiences involved -- directly and indirectly -- with leaders of society and government. Find out more with your full-length reading...

You are also likely to have an above-average interest in the great artistic and spiritual accomplishments of the grand cathedrals and great churches of Britain and Europe, as well as the ancient temples of the Mediterranean world. Find out more with your full-length reading...

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Love of " God "

The Eye of the Hurricane
(You are not alone)

The dismay and frustration created by these experiences often lead to more disconnection and lack of Spirit in your life. It is necessary for you to understand that those in Spirit are always available. It is the distortion created by whatever linear actions that exist for you that give the appearance of separation.

The best way to describe it is to compare it to a storm or hurricane of events. The wind blows harder as you struggle to separate fact from fiction. As you spin out of control the sense of loss from your true spiritual identity can be devastating. The devastation can leave you vulnerable and seemingly separated from the source of creation.

If you feel this way it would be desirable to pause. Yes we said pause and realize that it is your web of physical drama that is causing all of it. Become quite and removed from th drama. Step outside the hurricane carousel of events. Recede or proceed to the eye of the hurricane (whichever phrase resonates best with you).

Once you have paused it will be easier to identify the root of the problem. allow all of the interactions, events, and un-fulfilling relationships that have been blinding you to the higher values of your true self and your spiritual guides to fall away. You have not been abandoned, merely distracted. Everyone who knows you are right there.

Those in Spirit await your pause. they have never given up hope that your attention to them would be revitalized.

Even if you feel the time has been long, to them it has been but a moment.... time being irrelevant in all Spiritual moments.

So seek "the eye" of whatever dilemma you are facing. All who love you are anxiously awaiting reunion.

You are not alone."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't be distracted from Goals because of problems

Who Am I?

In each lifetime there are issues that come to the forefront that can block the true intent of a life. Dramas unfold that seem to conflict with the thought process that appears to be attached to your soul. this often leads to distress as one feels the pull of intent against the linear reality of physical. The constant division of attention required by both leaves the individual exhausted and ultimately worried.... "Am I fulfilling the focus of my soul?

Let us begin by stating that there are no wasted lives. Assuredly dramas can block the progress but if one is truly rational in their thinking process these things will manifest and fulfill themselves without hindering spiritual growth. The trick is to recognize them fro what they are and attempt not to be disillusioned by them but rather propelled by them.

Confusion results from the intensity of linear drama. It becomes a distraction when ultimately you feel the great void of "I am missing something here".

In the course of your life it is important to meet yourself head on. If you are anytime fearful you will create a distraction to "protect the ego yourself". the evolved moment occurs when you sense the distraction, embrace it, perhaps let it unfold but continue upon your true intent.

So in the quest for who you are remember, that as you move through your linear dramas, one must remain conscious. It is easier to become automatic, reacting and acting uon the moments created. Recall who is the creator. You. Recall that the more focus the more ability to pinpoint the creation of what and who you are.

Do not distract yourself through fear. Live through it but be aware.

The "Who am I?" will become apparent as you think through the moment. Dramas are dramas but they are merely an extension of yourself. Through conscious awareness the "Who am I?" becomes less of a mystery and more of a powerful auto-biography."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Things TO LEARN about from Life


If you will take the time to read these. I promise you'll come away with an enlightened perspective. The subjects covered affect us all on a daily basis:

They're written by Andy Rooney , a man who has the gift of saying so much with so few words. Enjoy.......

I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
I've learned.... That when you're in love, it shows.
I've learned.... That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day.
I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right.
I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child.
I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.
I've learned.... That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
I've learned.... That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.
I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
I've learned.... That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
I've learned.... That money doesn't buy class.
I've learned.... That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
I've learned.... That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
I 've learned.... That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.
I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds.
I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.
I've learned.... That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
I've learned.... That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.
I've learned... That life is tough, but I'm tougher.
I've learned.... That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss. I've learned.... That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.
I've learned.... That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away.
I've learned.... That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.
I've learned.... That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
I've learned.... That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.
I've learned.... That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.
I've learned.... That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The real self versus the ego and what you should know


We suggest that a more accurate assessment is the return to the entity from which you have originated. From this particular energy there can be alignment with guides, spiritual advisers and friends who you know well.

When you participate in physical life the opportunity to create dramas for growth are abundant. In a conscious aware environment these dramas are placed appropriately and are easy to disengage from so that one can connect with the originating entity. However, in most instances the dramas become the higher source of energy and block any ability to realign with what you most desire.

Our advice is to learn to discern the irrationally created environments whenever possible. This can be done by understanding what you are creating & stopping the spiral of irrationality through complete honesty with the self.

Often this is extremely difficult but attainable. Quiet the arguments in your head, allowing the self to observe rather than experience, even for a brief moment.

In the silence recognize your true self, which will allow the connection without too much effort.

Once you do it, the rest will be easy, however, not comfortable. Do not expect that.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thoughts to help get a right perspective of life

"We are often asked the labels or names of particular spirit guides. It seems that most feel a present connection but are unable to identify the source. The attachment to labels leads the individual to a different perspective that does not lead to the ultimate connection with that which they seek.

Remember that your guides are often focused primarily in the nonlinear. Some of them have physical lives but more often than not they have only partaken of existence in a nonlinear form. This perspective is often unavailable to the current physical perspective and is often abandoned due to unavailability of a simple definition.

We suggest that instead of attempting to define the relationship in linear terms, one should attempt to deliver the vibrational connection to the self.

The message is not always a word based direction but rather an impulse of feeling that translates non-verbally to heighten your evolvement.

3 Steps to Your Guides

1. Use your senses to blend with the energy.

2. Attempt to detach emotionally from your ego so that the message has more clarity.

3. Trust yourself that your capabilities will provide what you need to hear in the moment.

As always we are available to translate messages but the task is one that all can embrace.

Your guides speak continuously in hope of connection with you.

There is no blockage from their perspective."

Thursday, January 8, 2009



Vitamin D... America's Single, Deadliest Deficiency...

Nine out of 10 Americans are deficient in vitamin D... the sunshine vitamin. And surprisingly, even people that spend plenty of time in the sun can still lack this vital inflammation fighter.

This is dangerous because inflammation is a major cause of heart and brain problems... high blood pressure... joint pain... bone loss... digestive problems... blood sugar imbalances and a host of other serious health problems.


"My fruit is better than gold, yes, than
fine gold, And my revenue than choice
silver" Prov 8:19

I've been to the grocery store and seen some fruit
that is like Solomon's in today's verse! It sure
seems like the cost of living keeps rising -- at
least in the produce isle.

But that is not the fruit that Solomon is talking
about. He is talking about the same thing Paul was
writing about in Galatians 5, "But the fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Against such there is no law." (Gal 5:22-23 NKJV)
These are the fruits that have a value far greater
than gold for several reasons.

1) Each fruit can only be raised at great expense.
Ever found a "love" tree from which you could pick
a bit of love and put it in your basket? Of course
not. Love is expensive. It costs the human spirit
a great deal to acquire. It can only be purchased
by giving it away. That's right, give love away and
you are sure to gain more than you give. The same
is true of joy, peace, all of the fruits. They are
acquired at great cost to the collector.

2) Each fruit has value that cannot be counted in
gold. What price would you put on a pound of love,
or a quart of peace? The giver of love is relinquishing
something that has cost him blood, sweat, and tears.
The person who receives it receives a great honor as
well. Love is not thrown to the wind to be sown on
the roadside. It is planted with love, suffering, and
pain. It is literally the very life of the giver. And
peace comes right with love -- especially the love that
comes from the Father, for that love is the most costly
of all.

3) Each fruit is in such demand that the cost is high.
Not that there is a shortage of supply! No, there is
sufficient for everyone to get all he or she wants and
needs. The problem is that few people want to give up
what they have. Many are there who are "fruit hoarders"!
They get a little love, peace goodness, gentleness, and
it's like they put it in a fruit jar with a tight lid.
Then, when the jar is full, they clamp down the lid and
bury the jar and all in some dark, dank hole. The only
problem is that when the gifts are treated so, they rot
away. When the hoarder returns to his cache, he finds
nothing there but an empty jar.

Indeed, my fruits, your fruits, our fruits are much
more valuable than gold. And the income from them
is much more valuable than silver! Hallelujah, Amen and Amen

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Bible Stumpers Trivia:
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What judge had 70 sons?

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Something To Ponder:
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Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.

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By: Joseph J. Mazzella

I have been doing my best to live the good life lately.
I don't mean the television version with its giant mansions,
fancy cars, and fat bank accounts either. By the good life
I mean the "good" life. For me it is the only type of life
worth living.

I even have a list of good suggestions that have helped
me along the way. Here are just a few of them. Never pass
up an opportunity to hug your kids, pet your dogs, or hold
your cats. Take the time to watch the sunrise, the sunset,
and to notice the moon smiling down on you. Pray. Hold all
the hands you can, pat all the backs you can, and give all
the compliments you can. Always say "Please and thank you."
Pray some more. If a kind word comes to your lips speak it,
if a kind thought comes to your mind think it, and if a kind
deed comes to your heart do it. Take your time. Open doors
for others, let cars pull out in front of yours, and let
people ahead of you in line. Pray even more. Always listen
to that sweet, gentle voice inside of you telling you to
do something nice to help another. That is God guiding you.
Listen before you speak, forgive before you hate, and help
before you hurt. Give this world all of your talents, your
laughter, your energy, your joy, and your light. Be an
obedient child, a caring spouse, a devoted parent, a
doting grandparent, a cherished friend, a giving neighbor,
and a good Samaritan every chance you get.

Most of all, though, always remember that it is Love
that makes a good life "good". In the book "In search
of the Beyond," Carlo Correto gave us these words of
wisdom. "Let us keep this truth before us. You say you
have no faith? Love-and faith will come. You say you
are sad? Love-and joy will come. You say you are alone?
Love-and you will break out of your solitude. You say
you are in Hell? Love-and you will find yourself in
Heaven. Heaven is love." May you always live the "good"
life then full of Heavenly love and oneness with God.

Sunday, January 4, 2009



You must find the best way to behave towards others.

If you learn how to behave correctly, you will manage

to conquer those people you want to, whatever the position.

Through kindness, you will also gain a great deal from

difficult and unpleasant people.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

When I think back on 2008, I can say with certainty that the year has been far from boring. We've seen strife in different parts of the planet and many economies are currently facing tough times, but on a more positive note, people around the globe seem more interested in peace than ever before.

This last thought is inspiring because focusing on peace and hope is a great way to start the new year. The seeds for peace and hope begin inside of us and then, like a rippling effect, spread outward to those around us, like our friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances and more. As these ripples touch others, they are taken in, assimilated and then sent off to be shared in different directions. This is a wonderful way to spread positive thoughts and energy, Eva.

There are ways you can help invite the positive into your life. One way to do this is to look after yourself, to give yourself what you need. To experience peace, you need to be relaxed. That is why it is important to eat healthily, get proper rest and exercise, and make time for the quiet activities that enrich your inner life, like yoga or meditation.

Once you've attended to your own needs, you are ready to share with those around you. Spending quality time with the ones you love can touch their lives as well as your own. So, make an effort in your relationships with family and friends to communicate honestly and with love. Such actions can heal old wounds and forge new bonds that are based on love and respect. This behavior in turn helps to create peacefulness and calmness in both yourself and others.

As human beings, it is good to remember those who are struggling and/or experiencing rough times. Consider volunteering at the local food bank, helping out in a soup kitchen, or donating clothing and other items you no longer need to those who are less fortunate. Those you help won't be the only ones to benefit from your good deeds, Eva. By giving of yourself, you generate positive energy that will be reflected back to you many times over.

I hope that you will consider my suggestions in thinking about your hopes for 2009. In the same way that fear and anger can be contagious, so can love, peace and harmony. By taking care of yourself and focusing on the positives in your life and the world, you can help to spread peace, hope and love.



Getting What You Desire

"Often we are asked in readings the likelihood of a particular linear event. There is great attachment to these outcomes that are laced with deep desire.

Those seeking what they desire blame outside forces for the demise of their dreams. We counsel that everything is possible if one keeps their thoughts clear + concise without the additives of unnecessary drama and scattered focus.

If you are wanting to manifest a scenario then be sure your focus is clear and the intent pure.

Be truthful with yourself about the origins of your desire. Escapes from your true lessons will not manifest something that ultimately will not serve you, i.e., you may believe in your current moment that a linear experience will fulfill your ultimate desire. However, in the eternal moment you know that it is a distraction prepared by yourself.

So be eternally truthful when seeking a desire.

All of your thoughts will manifest to physical so be concise and direct especially with yourself. In this way you will get what you desire. The rub is that it must evolve your spirit in some way. If it doesn't it will not manifest. Your higher self will see to that."